Classroom Friendly Supplies

Monday, January 30, 2012

The World Around Us

This unit has been really fun to teach. We have been teaching the first graders the similarities and differences between themselves, their communities and others in "The World Around Us."

I started talking about how each class member was a like and different. We made WE ME pages. Then we compared our homes. We made them and then saw how they were alike and different. 

I found several great videos about the world around us on Discovery Streaming. (LOVE Discovery Streaming!)  

Now the fun starts! WE completed our FIRST research project. 

The students found it daunting at first. But with some encouragement they realized they could do it! ( I knew that all along!) 

I was amazed with how well they did! They worked so well together! I love how these kiddos always raise to the occasion. 

You can find that at my teachers pay teachers store!

The next step was skypeing my friend's class in Columbia the students asked the same questions  to her class that we researched. The kids loved it and her class did a great job they even showed us how to salsa! - Digital PENPALS - is something that I have really grown to love and the kids do too! I learned about it at iste and figured why not!


The last part was inviting in parents to talk about where they were from. I had three parents volunteer to come and speak plus I created an imovie about good ole Albuquerque. I even featured a 1st grade picture of me! (Not my best year!)

After we listened to each presentation we used a venn diagram to compare each place. 

Sunday, January 29, 2012

Teachers Pay Teachers

My Teachers Pay Teachers Store

I love Teachers Pay Teachers! I have been on the site since 2009. I love getting the extra cash every now and then. Even more I love  how easy it is to find lessons and see others great ideas. I love that there are free items as well! I recently learned you receive credit if you leave feedback and you can purchase items for free using the credits.

If you haven't checked out Teachers Pay Teachers you should!

Wednesday, January 25, 2012


If you have read my other posts you will see that I love utilizing technology in my classroom. I am blessed to work at a school that has as much technology as you could want. I love Legacy and everything about it. 

There are great things happening at our school. We have weekly visits from curious media, principals and potential parents.

I wanted to share the most recent article about our school (It made the front page!). Well mostly about our school..............

Denver Post Article

Wednesday, January 18, 2012

QR Codes

The most exciting thing that has happened in my instruction this past week has been learning about QR codes!

Now I learned about these when I got my iPhone. Then I learned about using them in instruction at TIE which is Colorado's Technology in Education conference.  I attended this conference in June. The idea of using these has been in the back of my mind since. 

Last week my principal sent us a link about how to get started. Now they are appearing all over our school and all over MY classroom. 

Here is how to get started:

Check out this application on the App Store:
Cover Art


Category: Utilities
Updated: Sep 26, 2011

1435 Ratings
I am not affiliated with this app. It is just a good one. 

Now create your own QR codes:

I recommend you visit this site:

1. Choose your type of media.

2. Upload the file.

3. Press generate.

4. Save your QR Code as an image. ( I recommend naming them for what they are used for because they look so similar.)

Now you are set to insert them on assignments, around your classroom as directions or in your newsletter. 

As I mentioned before all of my kiddos have iPads so it is easy for them to get the information. I have had this knowledge about a week and this is what I have done:

 I have youtube videos linked to my centers for directions.

I have the QR code for the class website and volunteer website on my weekly newsletter and posted outside my door. 

My next step is to create directions and links to insert in my assignments. 

Here are a couple of examples that I have made:

If you have this technology available its great! It may just be helpful in your classroom to send it home for parents. I can't wait to create even more. If you have any ideas I would love to hear them leave your comment below!

Check out how this teacher uses QR codes: QR Codes in the classroom

Hello World

This is my first attempt at blogging.... I have had major blogger envy on Pinterest, and Teachers Pay Teachers soooo... here I am. 

Lets see a little about  myself... I am a 5th year teacher. My teaching journey has brought me through a few different schools but I have found the best job ever! I work at an ischool which means everyone of my first graders have an iPad assigned to them!  I am really enjoying teaching first grade and having this type of technology is a dream come true for me! I love shopping, cooking and the color blue. When football season is done my life is missing a little something. ( I find plenty of ways to fill it!) 

In my classroom I have 29 first graders and I sure do enjoy being around them daily!