I started talking about how each class member was a like and different. We made WE ME pages. Then we compared our homes. We made them and then saw how they were alike and different.
I found several great videos about the world around us on Discovery Streaming. (LOVE Discovery Streaming!)
Now the fun starts! WE completed our FIRST research project.
The students found it daunting at first. But with some encouragement they realized they could do it! ( I knew that all along!)
I was amazed with how well they did! They worked so well together! I love how these kiddos always raise to the occasion.
The next step was skypeing my friend's class in Columbia the students asked the same questions to her class that we researched. The kids loved it and her class did a great job they even showed us how to salsa! - Digital PENPALS - is something that I have really grown to love and the kids do too! I learned about it at iste and figured why not!
The last part was inviting in parents to talk about where they were from. I had three parents volunteer to come and speak plus I created an imovie about good ole Albuquerque. I even featured a 1st grade picture of me! (Not my best year!)
After we listened to each presentation we used a venn diagram to compare each place.