Classroom Friendly Supplies

Tuesday, November 26, 2013


I am joining the linky from Reading and Writing Red Head. 

Here is what I am thankful for this year!

 I would say that this year I have more to be thankful for then ever before! This year I had my sweet baby girls, my husband has had a wonderful year at work and thanks to my fantastic parents I can still work while they watch my girls. Our life is good and I feel truly blessed this Thanksgiving!

I also will be giving an additional 20% off in my Teachers Pay Teachers store  December 1-3! 

Thursday, November 21, 2013

I need your help!!!!

I am working on a reading response journal for my class. It is common core aligned and goes with my new Pearson Forward curriculum.  What I need is for some feedback on what I am doing. I would love to send this to a few people and have some constructive criticism. What would you change? How much would you charge?  So if you comment below with your email I would like to send it to the first two people to comment. Then as a thanks you can have it and use the finished product!

PLEASE HELP!!! Thanks in advance!

Thursday, November 7, 2013


I have been part of TPT for a really long time well about six years. So I have been going through my store and improving my older items, the ones that I made before cool fonts, cute clip art and common core standards. So I REVAMPED several items. I am hoping that my previous buyers will be happy with the changes and the potential buyers will come running!

I have been revamping my teaching as well. I have had an interesting school year to say the least. Learning common core, learning a new curriculum, and juggling being a new mom. Plus this group of kiddos is challenging but I love them! I had many of them when I was teaching first grade two years ago. We make A TON OF anchor charts. Soooo I am now OBSESSED with giant post its! Its my new favorite thing.......... Have you used them?

I have to write on them as well so I have been using smelly markers which the kids love!!! Scentos are my favorite!

What are some of your new favorite things?

Monday, November 4, 2013

What Does The Fox Say?

Have you heard What Does The Fox Say by Ylvis? Well I was teaching Onomatopoeias today and realized this would be a great pop culture tie in to our poetry unit! I created a fun lesson to go along with it.  Here is a LINK to the product in my TPT store.

I am considering have my students turn it into a music video too, in order to show off their poetry!

Friday, November 1, 2013

Book Reports!

A couple of years ago I came across this project in like March so I came across it again because of Pinterest. It is now my favorite I ever have done. Every single student turned in a great pumpkin!

The Uncle Si pumpkin would have to be my favorite! But shh... don't tell my other students!

I loved this project! 
This was the first time we were allowed to celebrate this holiday. We presented these projects and had hot apple cider (YUM!). It was a great day! How did you celebrate?