Classroom Friendly Supplies

Tuesday, April 3, 2012

Science and Money

When you teach older kids and a project doesn't work exactly right they are okay with it and sometimes determined to completed it at home. When you teach younger kids and the project doesn't work out they are devastated. This mainly applies to science.  I have learned this through the course of this school year. Now anytime we do an experiment I create a back up.  We recently studied US symbols and we turned pennies green. Well many of my kiddos didn't bring in pre 1981 pennies so they wouldn't work. Instead after school I was digging through a pile of pennies to find the ones that would turn green. Before school started I switched out the pennies.

Now we are trying to grow crystals which is a part of our Rock and Earth Layers Unit. We are growing sugar or salt crystals, I let the kids choose. We have a bunch growing in the classroom right now:

But just incase they don't work I have the same experiment going on here at home.

Now I will have some extras if they are needed and if not I will have plenty of rock candy! 

I will list this unit in TpT after it has been classroom tested and approved ( by 29, 6 and 7 year-old, critics.) I will send you some activities that are included in it to the first 3 people who comment that they are interested. Include your email. I will let this go until Thursday night 4/5

I also just posted my money unit I called it Dollars and Sense - a unit about money sense. I felt that it was really clever :).  I feel like this unit is my masterpiece thus far! I worked my little tail off creating this unit because our curriculum (Saxon) doesn't include much more than counting pennies. I added some QR codes, made posters etc. etc.  I am feeling pretty generous tonight (maybe because I have a bunch of rock candy in my future.) so if you are interested I will give one away to the first person that comments and tells me they would like it. If you would like to check it out it is right here

Today I was a little naughty... I also made a trip to a teacher store. I gave up shopping for lent which I have mentioned in a previous post. I figured that if it wasn't for me it was okay though. I am so excited about what I got! What is it you ask? Well I got some rocks and some resources to help finish out the year. I will share what I got later because right now its hidden in the car so I won't feel so guilty! I would feel better but anything you get at a teacher store is so expensive! I mean I could have bought something fancy for myself like these:
I really want these!

 I guess right now I can really appreciate TpT but there are somethings you can't get on there and sometimes school supplies just sit there tempting me saying you need me!


  1. Its so smart to do a backup experiment at home! I always forget to do that! Last year, we planted flowers and they grew so quick; I was so excited since I don't exactly have a green thumb. We drew them in our plants journal, used coffee stirrers to stake them, and put them back on the shelf. The next day they were all dead! I guess the stakes pierced the roots. There is nothing wuite as sad as a room of devestated six year olds :(

    Your money unit is adorable! I can't wait to see it!

  2. I can't imagine wear heels that high!!! Ouch. Plus, I would tower scarily over my firsties!

    First Grade Delight

  3. I don't know if I love the activity or the shoes more! I am your newest follower! :)


    Apples and ABC's

  4. Where do you find those? I need Packers ones like that!

    I'm also jealous you live in Denver... My husband and I went there on our honeymoon and looooved it.

    I'm your newest follower!

    Luckeyfrog's Lilypad

  5. What great science experiments! My kiddos would LOVE those!

    I just tagged you on my blog...head on over there to check it out and grab a freebie while you're there! :)


  6. Happy Easter! BUMMER, though (Barb beat me to the tagging!) I have already posted, so I guess I'll just continue on... :)

    You've been tagged!

    "Hop" on over to my blog to see the details!

    Just Tinkerin' Around
