Classroom Friendly Supplies

Thursday, September 25, 2014

Choose Your Own Book Report

I love LOVE book reports. I think I like them as a teacher because they were one of my favorite things as a student.

Last year I did a book report once a quarter and I have changed it to once a month this year. It eliminates the reading log and this group love projects. I am always hearing "Are we doing a craft?" I may call everything a craft now so they are engaged.

This month I did choose your own book report. They had a list of projects to choose from and some reading comprehension to fill out.

You can grab that here! I also wanted to share some of my kids adorable projects! They all really worked hard and you can tell that they were kid made! 

Happy book reports!!!!!

Wednesday, September 24, 2014

Facebook Linky

I am still trying to showcase some great teacher Facebook pages this month. I added some links to my previous two blog posts but now I would like you to link up! Take a look around the links! I hope you find some one new to follow. Run some fun giveaways, discounts, freebies and sales for the rest of the month! Add your link below. All I ask is that you follow my facebook page!

Monday, September 22, 2014

More Great Pages

I have added some great facebook pages to my previous blog post. I am adding some more here!!!

Here are a few more featured facebook pages:

Now add your facebook! Try to run some fun giveaways, freebies and discounts through the month of September! Just comment below with your facebook if you want to be featured!

Saturday, September 20, 2014

Facebook Fun!!!

If you read my last post you know that I am trying to combat September Blahs with some facebook fun! Right now on my facebook page you can grab some great deals and discounts.  Well I shared this idea in the TPT forum and I got a few people to jump on board! Check them out here:

Kelly's Classroom

Head on over and check out these facebook pages and find some great resources this month! 

I am currently running a flash freebie on my favorite TPT item get it before tomorrow night 9/21 at 8:30 pm MST!

If you would like to join us just comment below with your facebook page! 

Friday, September 19, 2014

September Blahs

September is full packed full! It is such an incredibly busy month. For me I am trying to get to know my class and adjust to all of the beginning of the school year stuff. Then we have conferences at midterm. With the first weeks of school activities, testing and oh yea actually trying to teach the month ZOOMS by and then I have conference prep. I cannot wait to get in to the groove of October!!!!

On a more fun note September also brings football. I love LOVE football. I love going to games and tailgating but it also takes away from school stuff!


This year has brought on Common Core we have been slowly getting our feet wet over the last couple of years as Colorado has shifted. I don't mind it but I am feeling some of the stresses as we shift our instruction and mainly our grading. Like I mentioned we have conferences coming up and I am going to be explaining the new report card to the parents. I hope I get it right. We are in a tiny community where someone turned common core into a bad word. Wish me luck!!!!

Lets shine some light on September!!!! I am going to be offering weekly FLASH FREEBIES, discounts and more on facebook.

So what do you need to do to be a part of the action? Make sure you like my page  The first one starts now!!!! Spread the word!!!! I will do another giveaway when I reach 200 facebook followers and one when I reach 300 Teachers Pay Teachers followers!

Wednesday, September 3, 2014

Now That's A Bright Idea!

I love doing small groups! I love the more individualized instruction it brings and the chance to really get to know your kiddos. This year I am even going to add some one on one reading conferencing.

To manage my time during small groups, I have done 3 before me, wearing a hat and probably a few other things that I don't remember because they didn't work. Well this year our assistant principal came up with a bright idea! Here it is and it is so simple and it WORKS!!!! I have a push light on my teacher table. When its on the students can't talk to me. When its off I will answer questions and move around the room. I turned it on for testing too. The kids totally get it!!!!

I'm Busy!!!!
How can I help?

The best thing is this little push light is SUPER cheap! You can find them at the dollar store. Then they just need batteries!

Tuesday, September 2, 2014

TA DA!!!! New Blog Design

Did you notice anything new? Like my entire (AMAZING) blog!!!!! Thank you so much to Kristy Bear Designs!!!! She took my ideas and made them even better than I could have imagined!!!! If you need your blog redesigned check her out!!!! I could not be happier she did everything super fast and was so easy to work with!

Here is the before incase you forgot: 

Now you can see the after! I am so excited!!!! 

I also wanted to give a shout out to a couple of more blogs! I have been a giveaway entering fool lately (because there is so much great stuff to win!) and I won two great giveaways!

The first one was from Promoting Success.  I won a hand painted teacher bag and some great back to school task cards. 

The second one is from Adventures in Teaching! I won a fall themed bundle! 

A big thank you to these ladies!!!!